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Which Crypto Tax Report Plan Should I Purchase?

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Crypto Tax Report Plans are priced based on the number of transactions you have in a given tax year. Tax Plans allow users to view capital gains and losses and tax reports for that tax year.

  • We will automatically suggest the correct Tax Plan tier based on your current number of transactions in a tax year—this is visible in the Our Plans section under your profile in the app. (see example 1 below)
  • Transaction totals can change after a tax plan is purchased, which can lead to situations where users need to upgrade to a higher tier. This will look like you’re being “double-billed” but that is not the case (see example 2 below)

Please note, the screenshots below represent a user in the US. Taxation country and currency can be updated within your Account Settings.

Example 1 – Purchasing the Recommended Tax Plan

What is my total transaction count?

A user named Kevin has 753 transactions in the 2022 Tax Year, and this is what is in Our Plans:

crypto tax report billing choose your plan

How do I purchase a Tax Plan?

They click “Upgrade plan” and see that Crypto Tax Report is recommending a specific plan to them.

This corresponds to the Tax Plan tier for transactions numbering between 501-1000, since they have 753 transactions.

app plan recommendation based on transactions table

Kevin purchases the tax plan and is able to access capital gains calculations and tax forms in the tax center.

Example 2 – Multiple Payments for One Tax Plan

Why was I charged twice for my tax plan?

In October 2022, Joe uploads his transactions to Crypto Tax Report and has 112, and so purchases the recommended the Rookie Astronaut tax plan at $59 (for 101-500 transactions).

Between November to December 2022, Joe has much more crypto activity and adds another 2000 transactions for a total of 2112.

In February 2023, Joe is prompted to upgrade his Tax Plan to the $169 plan for 1001-3000 transactions.

crypto tax report tax plan upgrade

However, he will only pay an additional $110 as he already paid $59.

The total of all Tax Plan payments should correspond to the proper tier based on your final transaction total for the tax year. 

If you have additional questions, you can email us at hello@cryptotaxreport.co.